
Tribute to my Darling Lucy
From the first moment I saw you online
You had my heart, with your little hairbow
You were a white ball of fluff
I named you Lucy before we even met
So sweet and shy, you had never even walked
In the grass and you wobbled at my feet
It was not long before you escaped one day
To joyously run through fresh cut grass until green-coated
You loved to greet delivery people
Running onto the porch to say hello for a moment
You stayed near when I used the cutting board
Hoping for carrot, your favorite pear, or even lettuce
I called you bunny, or pooh, or my darling
You often seemed timid but
You survived a fire hiding under the bed
And fought two auto-immune diseases
So you were actually quite strong
A fiercely loving dog
Who sat by my feet every morning
As I worked on the computer
And slept by our side at night
Or cuddled with us endlessly
Particularly when we rubbed your belly
You grinned when I played pat-a-cake with your paws
You were a perfect dog
You loved to please us and never caused trouble
Your little body just gave you too many problems
And I am so sorry

A Search

Searching along a sunlit path of
emerald, olive, palest mint, jade.
More shades of green than one can count.
Hiking and looking for peace of mind - 
Crunch of leaves underfoot.
The trail becomes darker, the woods
seem to become foreboding; bright greens
turn to musty browns and grays
as the trees cluster close almost suffocating.
This is not the place.
 Climbing a hilltop, it becomes steep
winding around craggy rocks.
The air has a chill as the crest is reached
and the view of blue and purple
mountains stretches far and lonely.
Watching a single hawk soar overhead
emphasizes the vastness of the world
and the smallness of self in it.
Searching up here has resulted in nothing.

Strolling a busy city street at night,
bright neon lights flash in windows,
on billboards, and stoplights sing their song
of yellow red green incessantly. Everyone
has somewhere to go, someone to see.
Others walk arm in arm or in groups.
Being alone on the busy sidewalk 
causes sadness and isolation.
There are no answers in the subway graffiti. 

Sitting in a darkened bedroom, 
headlights occasionally rolling across the wall
and a spring wind rushing 
through the treetops outside the window -
I feel numb. Searching for peace was pointless.
I retreat inside my mind and close my eyes
attempting to reach for calm. After a long while
with no success, I pick up my pen.

-published in Belle Reve Literary Journal 7-26-16

Welcome to my website

Thoughts crash hither and yon

runaway coaster

gather the threads

breathe in

brightest moon

clouds scudding across vibrant sky

close doors seal boxes

be still

      Welcome to my website!  This is how I often approached my words when I began writing again after a long hiatus to raise my three children and help my husband David start several businesses.  Of course, my thoughts and ideas continue to wander and roam, or how else would I come up with ideas?  But rather than closing doors, I now fling them open, rip off bandages, and write about everything which is inside and underneath.