Road Trip

Coyote beside the road.
SUVs and trucks
never slowed,

each exceeding the speed.
No one notices.
Wild indeed:

carving out his life between
forest and highway,
barely seen

in the rearview glass.
He trots past.

2024 Highland Park Poetry Challenge, 3rd place Non-resident, Prime 53 poem, March 2024

paper doll

			the world is flat
			no matter proof
			of scientists

			the atmosphere
			clouds merely
			painted on the sky

			frozen face
			no muscle memory here
			smiling feels contrived

			a paper doll
			edges crumbling
			with age

			fill me with air
			so that I may float
			into the atmosphere

                         - published 45 Magazine Literary Journal, January 2022

The box/pinprick hole

a woman in a box
Pinprick hole
admits the light
as I shift

and fold in to myself
Shadows drift
around my body

Dust motes
before my eyes

My outstretched fingers
close off the beam
of white

and I
hover in complete

I scratch and
scrabble at the
miniscule opening
ripping and tearing
fingernails snapping off
until the gap
substantial enough
to accommodate
my outreached

          published Gnashing Teeth Publishing, "One Poem a Day", April 2021

Welcome to my website

Thoughts crash hither and yon

runaway coaster

gather the threads

breathe in

brightest moon

clouds scudding across vibrant sky

close doors seal boxes

be still

      Welcome to my website!  This is how I often approached my words when I began writing again after a long hiatus to raise my three children and help my husband David start several businesses.  Of course, my thoughts and ideas continue to wander and roam, or how else would I come up with ideas?  But rather than closing doors, I now fling them open, rip off bandages, and write about everything which is inside and underneath.